HyperGlaze has a rich range of features, too many to list entirely here, but the basic features that most of us will use most of the time are clear and easy to understand. Glaze recipes look like they do in books and on websites.
A few features:
- Calculating percentage and batch recipes, changing batch sizes quickly and accurately.
- Auto-spelling material name entry.
- Keep extensive notes about the glaze, how to apply, where is came from, how to fire it.
- Switch between up to five glaze recipe databases - keep recipes for specific groups separate.
- Copy and paste recipes directly from the web - no typing! (including recipes from glazy.org)
- Calculate glaze cost, chemical formula( percentage and UMF), estimated thermal expansion (glaze fit).
- Look at glaze analyses as bar graphs to get a quick visual understanding of oxide amounts in glazes.
- Compare glaze analyses in several different ways, including as a Stull chart-like graph.
- View just the materials analyses for a recipe to learn about ingredients - as a bar graph, too.
- Search quickly for recipes, including specific searchs for name, cone, color, material, and more.
- Glaze Limits to know better how a glaze might work from the recipe alone. Build your own limits.
- Glaze Calculator to do materials substitutions and change cone for glazes (up or down, more melting or less).
- Glaze blending utilities make it easy to calculate recipes from line and triaxial blends.
- Drop a glaze photo into HyperGlaze to easily to move it into the Glaze Pictures folder and rename it to the glaze name.
Also see the Support & Workshops page for links to videos of HyperGlaze in use.
and much more! Easy to use, but powerful.
©2019 - Richard Burkett - all rights reserved
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