HyperGlaze is easy to learn, but also a good way to learn about glazes and how they work.
There are lots of educational features built in to help you learn about glaze ingredients and chemistry.
If you would like to set up a HyperGlaze workshop with Richard Burkett, please contact me through the link below. Workshops can also include hands-on glaze mixing and testing.Workshops are affordable and informative.
Updates and upgrades are posted periodically. Check the Updates page for those.
A series of videos is available on that go through several topics about HyperGlaze and calculations.
Click on any of these links to watch the video. These were made using a version of HyperGlaze earlier than the current one, so there are slight changes, primarily the addition of a Save button on recipe and materials pages. Look for video updates and more videos sometime in 2022.
01_Installing HyperGlaze
02_Troubleshooting HyperGlaze Installation
04_Making a New Glaze Card
06_Navigating and Marking Cards
11_Substituting Materials with Glaze Calculator
12_Exporting, importing, deleting Recipes
13_Finding recipes-Complex Search
14_Adding a new Material Analysis
15_Creating a New Glaze Using Glaze Limits
16_Making a Batch Recipe with Glaze Calculator
You can contact Richard Burkett via email here if you have questions about or problems with HyperGlaze.