Please note the prices are current as of March 21, 2020 and subject to change.
Click here for a printable PDF order form.
For downloads and Square Invoice payment, fill out the order form and email it (without payment info) to me.
I'll send you a Square Invoice and when it's paid, will send the download link for HyperGlaze.
• HyperGlaze is provided by download of all files and also by USB with printed installation instructions. Please specify choice.
• HyperGlaze is $100 for a single user, $300 for site license for schools and institutions
• Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover Card accepted via Square.
• Square Invoices can be sent to quickly pay securely online.
• Price includes Priority Mail postage for US purchasers who choose USB drive delivery.
• California residents MUST include local sales tax.
• Purchase orders accepted from U.S. educational institutions.
• Compatible with Macintosh® OSX (10.6 or newer including MacOS Catalina 10.15), Windows Vista or newer (including 7, 8 & 10).
• See the Requirements page for more specific system and computer requirements.
• Allow up to 2-4 weeks for delivery if you choose USB drive (your credit card will not be charged until HyperGlaze ships).
• Updates are available to previous purchasers of HyperGlaze only and are usually free.
• Site licenses are available for approved, degree-granting educational institutions.
The terms of the site license now allow distribution of copies to enrolled students of the licensee institution.
Please email Richard Burkett for more information if needed.